Saturday, February 16, 2008


No-Sew Fleece Blankets

Directions contributed by StorkNet member Shari (postcardgirl). Thank you, Shari!

Supplies Needed:
A pair of good scissors (If your scissors are dull, it will take a lot longer to complete!) OR rotary cutter and mat

Ruler or tape measure

Two coordinating pieces of any fleece . . .

• for a baby or toddler, purchase 1 to 1 1/2 yards (in each of • two fabrics)

• for a child, purchase 1-3/4 yards (in each of two fabrics)

• for a teen or adult, purchase 2 yards (in each of two fabrics)

• Note: If you have a taller or bigger person that will be the recipient, buy more fleece! Large blankets are always appreciated!

• Fabric is usually 54 inches wide or greater.

• You need two separate pieces of fabric for the blanket; one will be the front, one will be the back.

You can choose two • coordinating fabrics or the same fabric. The choice is yours! • Double-check the widths of the two fleeces to make sure they • are the same. • Fleece panels look very nice, but be sure there is enough • material at the edge to cut the fringe without cutting into the • pattern. • Watch for sales at your fabric store, as you can save a lot of • money that way, often more than 50%.

Cut off rough selvage edge on both sides. (This is the side that is machine finished, not cut.) Trim only as much as necessary, usually not more than 2 inches on each side. At this point, make sure that your cut sides are relatively straight. (They don't have to be perfect!) Do this on each piece of fabric.
Lay your fleece wrong sides together, with edges matching up. (Often times with fleece, it's hard to tell which side is the wrong side and it often doesn't matter which side you use as the front or back.)
**Some people choose at this point to pin the layers together; this is a personal preference. I've found it quicker not to pin, and I've never had a problem with slippage or keeping the sides aligned.
Cut a 4x4" square (or 5x5" square for a longer fringe) out of each corner (through both layers of fleece) and discard. If you want your fringe longer (not recommended for a baby or toddler), make your square bigger. It really does help to cut out your square from each corner before proceeding.
Cut all 4" (or 5") into fleece at 1" intervals around all four sides. Tie overhand knot close to blanket edge by using one strip from the front and one strip from the back to create finished fringe edge - then tie again. Repeat around all four sides. Make sure you make two tight, overhand knots for your fringe. This should hold it together through washer and dryer cycles.
Several notes here:
To help make your strips approximately wide (again, it doesn't have to be perfect), you can use a tape measure across the top of your four inch section so that you not only make your cuts about 1" apart but also only four inches deep.
To make the tying look more even, I tie every other one, all the way around the blanket, then flip the blanket over to the back and tie the rest. That way neither side is really the front or the back!
Experiment with the way you tie the knots for different looks. You can make the knot show in either fabric as well as the fringe in either fabric.
The nature of fleece makes two of the sides stretchy. Don't fear! Just be gentle when tying those sides (the selvage sides) so that your fringe isn't stretched out of shape!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Blanket Bonanza

Dear Family and Friends,

Many of you know that in November of 2006, our son (and brother), Elijah was born with Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) a rare disease that affected his bladder, kidneys and lungs. He lived for almost two hours. His short little life impacted so many people. While he was alive he had an amazing group of doctors. Those doctors traveled from St. Louis Children’s Hospital to care for Elijah.
Each year approximately 275,000*** children are admitted to St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Some for extended periods of time. We would like to offer these children a great big "hug". That is a "Hug for Elijah". What is a "Hug for Elijah"? Simple. It is a snuggly, warm blanket created by special people for these special kids in memory of our special little boy.

Every month since Elijah’s birth we have made blankets and delivered them to Children’s Hospital. Now as we begin a new year of blanket making, we are asking for your assistance. We would like children at the hospital to have a blanket of their own. Starting Thursday, February 14, 2008 through Friday, March 21, 2008 (Good Friday) .We need people to volunteer to make blankets. Our goal is to gather as many blankets as possible and deliver them to the hospital in time for Easter.

The blankets we make are very easy to do. They are simple tie blankets, made of single or double layers of fleece. This is a great project for all ages to participate. We even have special labels that are sewn on to each blanket. The directions for these blankets are posted on our blog, as well as, at the Children's Hospital web page.

Anyone who is interested in assisting us with this project can contact us at any of our email addresses, home address or blogspot. You can also visit Xanti and Kim on Facebook. All of our contact information is listed below. Also visit our new blog, to see this project grow. Feel free to share this project with as many people as you can. Tack on to emails, add to blogs or share with your myspace and facebook friends. The more the merrier.

Thanks in advance for all your hard work and dedication in bringing small comforts to some special kids.

Shawn, Kim, Xantiana and Noah

Shawn’s email:
Kim’s email: or
Xanti’s email:

Our blog is brand new and still under construction. Hopefully it will be up and going before Sunday.

Fleece Blankets (no sewing required)

- a 3' x 3' or 4' x 4' piece of newly purchased fleece material.

Cut 3" into the fabric around the entire square piece of fabric, making fringe. Tie off each fringe into a knot where the fringed cut meets the material. These are given to the infants, toddlers and older children as a comfort item.

***Visit St. Louis Children's Hospital on the web for more information.